Monthly Archives: October 2006

Defenders of Wildlife

Wanted to recognize DoW’s “Conseravtion Heroes” for 2006, which Anita posted on below • Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (NY-23) • Sen. Maria Cantwell (WA) • Sen. Lincoln Chafee (RI) • Rep. John Dingell (MI-15) • Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ-07) • Sen.

Wildlife Conservation Report Card

The Conservation Report Card measures the commitment of U.S. Senators and Representatives to wildlife and habitat conservation during each Congressional session. It reviews both House and Senate votes on key conservation issues, providing a clear assessment of how well members

For the Last Time…

Im so sick and tired of seeing this… West Virginia’s coal industry must strike a balance between maintaining jobs and taking care of the environment, but just how to do that is not clear. A panel of experts on Tuesday

From Open Spaces to Wild Places: the Economic Value of Habitat Protection to Your Community

The Southeast Watershed Forum ‘ s 24-page report details the many varieties habitats and natural systems and their importance to our region. All of this is illustrated through several inspirational case studies of how individuals in the Southeast have been

Who Runs Appalachian Republicans?

Don Blankenship, CEO of Massey Energy. Thats who. Though he is not running for public office, Don Blankenship has become the dominant political figure this year in West Virginia. The chief executive of Massey Energy, the fourth-largest coal producer in

HUGE: NYT – “Taking On a Coal Mining Practice as a Matter of Faith”

In what may be a pivotal turning point in the effort to return integrity to America’s energy policy by ending mountaintop removal coal-mining – the New York Times has printed a must-read article called “Taking On a Coal Mining Practice

Whats on My Mind?

Congress can and WILL end mountaintop removal coal-mining. Memorize this number: 202-224-3121 Its the Congressional switchboard. You can call it anytime of day and speak with the office of any member of the US government (House, Senate, President, Government Agency,

New Landowner Newsletter from SFN

SFN has created a new monthly email newsletter as a means of providing landowners with easy access to practical information and resources for sustainable and community forestry. Each month Southern Forests & Communities will feature a different topic related to

Sustainable Forestry in the Balance

In the United States we increasingly restrict wood production in the name of sustainability while going abroad for an ever larger share of the wood we consume, even though our own forest resources per capita are greater than the rest

Global warming on the forest floor

[ Kentucky ] Along with rising temperatures, global warming is very likely to cause a shift toward more extreme weather — stronger storms with more rainfall, and longer and more severe droughts. Those changes are likely to have large-scale, obvious

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