Front Porch Blog

The Coal War Documentary Launches

By Megan Naylor
Megan is a frequent contributor to The Appalachian Voice publication, and served as Appalachian Voices’ Communications intern during Spring and Fall 2010.

The Coal War, a documentary four years in the making focusing on the fight of West Virginia native Lorelei Scarbro to save the mountain and home that she loves is now in its final stages of production, but needs your help.

Funding is needed to finish the last shots and a month’s worth of editing, so director Chad Stevens and his team are looking to concerned citizens to make donations to aid in finishing the project.

The story being told in The Coal War has two sides that converge smoothly to make a moving documentary about dedication, strength and perseverance for love of the Appalachian Mountains.

It depicts the fight from the view of Scarbro to save Coal River Mountain, the only peak in Southwestern Virginia that has yet to be blasted in the process of mountaintop removal by building the first sustainable energy project in Appalachia, The Coal River Wind Farm.

The wind farm has the potential to save the mountain and produce enough electricity to power 150,000 homes.

That is 150,000 homes less that would be powered by blowing up mountains!

To checkout the trailer for the documentary or donate: visit The Coal War website.




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