How Green is your Campus?

There are many ways to find out how green your school is. The US EPA has a green power challenge for colleges, and Princeton Review has a rating system.
There are also a dozen ways to make your school greener. And there are new funding initiatives through the Dept. of Education for financing green initiatives at the college and K-12 school level.

Going green?

• Organize — Find groups on campus at
• Create a symbol — For example, Appalachian State University’s solar Christmas tree.
• President’s Climate Commitment — Ask your university president to sign the Climate Commitment
• Institute Green fees — A green fee of $5 to $20 is part of the student activities fees in hundreds of colleges, funding recycling bins, building conservation, biodiesel fueling and many other programs.
• Hold Eco-Olympics — Duke university holds one every year for energy, waste and water reduction —
• Sign up for courses in renewable energy — and sustainability.
• Ask your university to join the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE).
• Create an office of sustainability — This has become standard on campuses. The AASHE has standards and guildelines.
• Buy green power — Its possible now to buy power from renewable sources.
• Buy green products — Everything from recycled paper to regionally grown food.
• Build green buildings — The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System is a national standard. Green buildings on campus save money and also serve as an educational example.

Top 10 Green Colleges

  • UNC Chapel Hill…………………………….96
  • Warren Wilson (NC)……………………….95
  • Elon (NC)………………………………………94
  • U.Memphis (TN)…………………………….94
  • James Madison (VA)………………………93
  • Duke (NC)……………………………………..93
  • UVA………………………………………………92
  • NC State……………………………………….90
  • VA Tech…………………………………………90
  • Berea (KY)…………………………………….89
  • Top 10 Green Colleges * From ratings by Princeton Review for NC, VA, TN and KY.


  • President’s Climate Commitment
  • Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
  • US Green Building Council
  • EPA Green Power Challenge
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