Front Porch Blog

National Call-in Day to End Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining

By Griff Crews
Communications intern, Spring 2011

The following email was sent to the 48,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here.

At this very moment, over 150 people – concerned citizens from across the U.S. together with citizens directly impacted by mountaintop removal – are in our nation’s capital for the 6th Annual End Mountaintop Removal Week in Washington.

They are urging members of Congress to cosponsor the Clean Water Protection Act, which would help to end mountaintop removal coal mining by regulating valley fills, which is a process that buries headwater streams with mining waste. You can support them from home – with a phone call to your member of Congress.

We are winning, because of your support – and we need you more than ever. Big Coal has been seen our progress – and is working overtime to erase our victories and block the passage of this bill.

Please call your member of Congress today and ask them to cosponsor the Clean Water Protection Act.

Thanks for all you do,

Matt Wasson

PS – Please consider supporting the End Mountaintop Removal Week in Washington by donating today:




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