A publication of Appalachian Voices

A publication of Appalachian Voices

Inside Appalachian Voices

Fighting Duke Rate Hike

As Duke Energy tries to hike residential customer rates by 16.7 percent (read more from this issue here), we’re pushing to prevent the burden of cleaning up millions of tons of toxic coal ash from being foisted onto the residents of North Carolina while the company continues to ensure profits for its shareholders.

Working with our community partners and allies, we’re organizing to drive attendance at the public hearings being held through mid-October. And we’re also urging people to voice their concerns to the North Carolina Utilities Commission, which has the authority to grant or deny Duke’s requested rate hike.

As currently written, much of the increase to ratepayers will come by nearly doubling the flat service fee, a move that will place a heavy burden on fixed- and low-income families and discourage investment in energy efficiency.

For more information, visit tell Duke no rate hike

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The Appalachian Voice is a publication of Appalachian Voices
589 West King Street, Boone, N.C.
© 2021 Appalachian Voices