Volunteering in North Carolina
Stream Monitoring Information Exchange
For those interested in a hands-on experience, the Environmental Quality Institute offers training on how to analyze stream-dwelling bugs to determine watershed health in Buncombe, Haywood, Madison, Yancey and Mitchell counties. Volunteers attend six-hour training sessions in the spring and fall to learn about stream ecology and species identification, and participate in hands-on demonstrations of sampling techniques. Trainees then sign up for their preferred sites in small groups and are accompanied by group leaders to collect samples every spring and fall. Get Involved! Call 828-333-0392 or visit environmentalqualityinstitute.org. — E. Zupo
Horse Helpers of the High Country
Provide caring support to approximately 20 rescue horses at this animal shelter and education farm in Zionville, N.C. There’s plenty to do: building and mucking the stalls, cleaning water and feed buckets, and grooming the horses. Clarissa Gotsch, who joined last summer, says seeing the transformation of the abused horses through the love of the volunteers has been wonderful. “Horses have a very therapeutic character,” says Gotsch, “and caring for other creatures is a powerful healing experience.” New volunteers are welcome, 1-5 p.m. Wed. and Sat. Get involved! Call 828-297-1833 or visit horsehelpersnc.org
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