Across Appalachia

Environmental and cultural news briefs


Invasive Plant Density Map Shows Appalachia’s Native Resilience

A map of invasive plant species shows that biodiverse Appalachia has a lower density of invasive plants than much of the Southeast.

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Radioactive Sludge Being Removed from Sewage Facility

The Department of Energy is still removing radioactive sludge from the sewage treatment facility in Oak Ridge, Tenn., two years after the contamination was first discovered.

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Childhood Blood Lead Levels Falling in Appalachia

Across Appalachia, the number of children reported to have lead poisoning has decreased since 1997, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Two-year Anniversary of Charleston Water Crisis

Two years after 10,000 gallons of a toxic chemical, MCHM, spilled into the Elk River near Charleston, W.Va., the company providing water to 40 percent of West Virginians “continues to be unprepared for a major spill today,” a new report says.

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Tennessee Leading the Way in Animal Abuse Accountability

Tennessee has become the first state to implement an animal abuse registry, which will make the names of anyone convicted of committing an animal abuse offense publicly available.

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