Enviromental Education from the Heart

Since the first Earth Day, environmental education has become a standard part of the science curriculum in schools nationwide. “Students will learn,” say the standards committees, about the web of life, about interrelationships among ecosystems, about biological communities, and about the natural world.
Ironically, this formal appreciation for nature comes at a time when children and families are spending less time in nature and more time in front of computer screens than ever before.
The wide array of possibilities in environmental education include K-12 program, college majors and organizations, and summer camp and nature center experiences. The following are some of the best EE sites we found, but you may add your stories and your links to the web site at www.appvoices.org.

KY — keec.ky.gov, (also) www.kaee.org/
NC — www.eenorthcarolina.org
TN — www.teea.info
VA — www.deq.state.va.us/education/
WV — www.wvdnr.gov/Hunting/ProjectWild.shtm
National Environmental Education — naaee.org
Sierra Club — www.sierraclub.org/education/
Earth Day Network – www.earthday.net

ASU renewable initiative —
Campus Climate challenge —
Southern Energy Network —
Children & Nature Network —
Sustainable Campus —
Sustainable Communities –

USDA – www.naturalinquirer.usda.gov
EPA — www.epa.gov/enviroed/
UN — www.un.org/esa/sustdev


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