Managing Your Woodlands

Appalachian Voices is pleased to announce the arrival of our 2nd full-time AmeriCorps Member and the second edition of “Managing Your Woodlands: A Guide for Southern Appalachian Landowners.” We are partnering with Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy and “Project Conserve.” This year Project Conserve is placing 15 AmeriCorps members with 12 conservation organizations and agencies across North Carolina that share the common goal of protecting our region’s natural resources through education, community involvement, and direct assistance.

We recently hired Caitlen Nelis to fill the Landowner Outreach Program Associate position. Caitlen will oversee the distribution of the second edition of “Managing Your Woodlands” landowner handbook, distributing 5000 copies to landowners across the southern Appalachian region.

Caitlen comes to us just returning from AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) where she traveled the country, mainly throughout the Gulf Coast, doing disaster relief and environmental rehabilitation. She earned her BA degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with an individually designed major in Cultural Studies from Appalachian State University.

The second edition of our landowner handbook serves as a manual for private forest landowners who strive to be good stewards and would like to learn about alternative methods for managing and maintaining a healthy forest. This is also an excellent resource for organizations that wish to publicize the importance of sustainable forestry in our region.

The second edition handbook shares insightful information on forest management plans, working with foresters and loggers, management options and techniques, forest ecology, forest health problems, economic considerations, and financial incentive programs for good management. The resource section of the handbook connects landowners with organizations and information to assist you in making a reliable investment into your forestland.

Greatly expanded resource section
More on the economics of Sustainable Forestry
More about management plans
Tips for small landowners
Profitable non-timber forest products
Real stories of successful sustainable forestry
New layout & graphics

Your FREE copy includes a companion DVD “Landowner’s Guide to Sustainable Forestry: Maximizing Profits While Protecting Water Quality” a new documentary film by the Model Forest Policy Program. A guide for landowners, consulting foresters, citizen groups, watershed organizations, and community leaders, this excellent DVD allows the viewer to see real life examples of sustainable forestry and protection of water quality, our most critical natural resource. The film features foresters and landowners from around the country, but particularly Missouri, Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. This includes 3 versions: TV-length: 28 min. 46 sec. (with emphasis on water quality), a Standard Presentation: 22 min. 45 sec., and a Promotional Presentation: 1 min. 31 sec.

If you are interested in making a long-term investment in your forest, in protecting its health and beauty, in producing high quality goods for the local economy, in protecting wildlife habitat, water quality, and mitigating global warming, or just leaving the gift of a healthy and valuable forest to our future generations, please contact us!

To request a FREE copy please contact:
877-APP-VOICE, toll free

If your organization would like to help publicize this FREE resource to your members and supporters, please contact us. We would be happy to provide a speaker for your event and other outreach material.


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