Letters to the Editor

Natural Gas is Responsible

Dear Appalachian Voices,

With reference to your Spring 2008 Appalachian Voice on natural gas drilling – As a “clean fuel” natural gas is reasonably available in this country. Coal seam gas extraction has garnered increased attention due to its availability; but it is NOT a new energy source. In southern Appalachia, Energen (a large regional natural gas distributor and driller) has done extensive drilling in the Alabama region for at least 20 years. There is a strong movement in this direction as it is an available resource. Energy prices have reached levels that make this resource more exploitable On the positive side is that technology has become increasingly effective in drilling. Now this technology needs to be applied to limiting damages.

There is without question a need to limit environmental damage. However, drilling is not as invasive as mining activities as it has a more constrained footprint. The effort should be placed on assuring that property owner rights are respected and that environmental measures and clean-up are maintained after drilling ceases. This includes reseeding local grasses as well as native trees to integrate with the landscape.

Charles B. Jones Jr.
Knoxville TN

Kudos from Nashville

Dear Appalachian Voices,

Thank you for posting your website. At 82+ I read Appalachian Voices and marvel at the diversified and informative articles in each issue.

For someone who strongly believes in history/ heritage /legacy, I congratulate your efforts!
Keep up your wonderful project! God bless our nation and you.

Nick Christodoulou
Nashville TN

Note: Mr. Christodoulou grew up in Welch, WV and has written extensively about the Appalachia of his youth. He was interviewed about his submarine service in World War II on usmilitaryhistory.com podcasts. Look for the podcast episode “The Cook and the Scabbardfish.”

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