For Our Members
This summer, Appalachian Voices’ offices were filled with interns and volunteers from across region working on critical issues and providing valuable assistance to our campaigns. We had 62 volunteers and interns this summer working over 1200 hours for our Clean Air Campaign, Mountaintop Removal Campaign, the Appalachian Voice, and our Sustainable Forestry Program
Our Clean Air Campaign intern, Matt Long, a Stanback intern from Duke University, has done an amazing job on the clean air pages of our new website. Matt researched different types of coal-fired power plants, permitting processes for coal-fired power plants, and the location and background information on all new proposed power plants in the Appalachian region. To learn more about our clean air campaign and to see Matt’s research and work, visit
Brenda Huggins continues to help pass clean air resolutions across western North Carolina. Over the last two months, Brenda has passed resolutions supporting our clean air protections in nine cities and towns and 1 county in western North Carolina.
Our Mountaintop Removal (MTR) Campaign volunteers have also accomplished some amazing things. Anna Santo, Jade Doolan, and Lucas Brown – Oberlin College, and Lauren Benningfield – Appalachian State University worked on our Week in Washington in September for the Clean Water Protection Act. In addition, they also worked on our MTR website researching and collecting stories from the coalfields. Stay tuned for the unveiling of our new MTR resource website this fall where you can see all of their great work.
Bevin Tighe, Duke University, worked with our staff attorney, Scott Gollwitzer in Asheville. She helped write the memo to support our motion for summary judgment in the second Zeb Mountain lawsuit, assisted our reply memo to Office of Surface Mining’s response to our motion to amend the complaint, and attended an Office of Surface Mining rule change hearing and perform legal research to support comments on the rule change.
Adam Johnson and Olivia Simeone – Appalachian State University, dedicated many hours assisting our AmeriCorps member to conduct research, write articles, and finalize sections of the second edition of our “Managing Your Woodlands Guide,” which will be going to printers soon.
Finally, but certainly not least, 52 volunteers from across the Appalachians deliver this newspaper to over 300 locations in 7 states! A special thanks to Annette Watson and her crew at RHA who distribute to our locations in Boone and ship the papers all over the region!
Many thanks to the following for the dedicated work this summer. We could not have accomplished so many great things without these folks!
Harvard Ayers, Lauren Benningfield, Jere Bidwell, Derrick Blaylock, Charlie Bowles, Jane Branham, Steve Brooks, Ed Clark, Helen Clark, Kathleen Colburn, Tom cook, April Crowe, Jeff Deal, Lowell Dodge, Revonda Crowe, Dave Gilliam, Kim Greene McClure, Ruth Gutierrez, Anita Henson, Jennifer Honeycutt, Brenda Huggins, Adam Johnson, Allen Johnson, Frances Lambert, Matt Long, Gail Marney, Mike McKinney, Dennis Murphy, Catherine Murray, Dave Payne, James Randolph, Richard Roth, Anna Santo, Gerry Scardo, Jim Shumate, Olivia Simeone, Jennifer Stertzer, Bevin Tighe, William Wasserman, Annette Watson, Dean Whitworth, Jade Doolan, Lucas Brown, Beth Davies, Carol Rollman, Dave and Donna Muhley, Detta Davis, Chris Chanlett, Emanuel Mornings, John Peine, Kirsty Zahnke, Tammy Belinsky, Ray Vaughan, Shay Clanton, Beth Dixon, Linda Milt, Jep Johnson, Steve Moeller, Julian Martin.
We can always use more help. If you are interested in becoming an intern or volunteer, check out our volunteer and internship page on the web at
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