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MVP Southgate open houses held for three counties

What Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC, had to say at three open houses on their proposed Southgate extension into North Carolina, plus a quick look at the latest developments on the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley pipelines.


Empowering citizens at the Water Justice Summit

The recent Water Justice Summit in Blacksburg, Va., brought together citizens from Central Appalachia whose water is imperiled by coal mining, fracked gas pipelines and other industrial threats to strategize, learn skills and build affinity.


Clean water advocates ask court, Corps to halt Atlantic Coast Pipeline

RICHMOND, VA – The coalition of clean water advocates that forced a halt of stream crossing construction activities for the Mountain Valley Pipeline in West Virginia today formally requested the same for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. The coalition took two


Virginians urge regulators to reject “blanket” federal permit for pipelines

The State Water Control Board received more than 13,000 public comments concerning a “blanket” federal permit granted to the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley pipelines.


Court suspends Mountain Valley Pipeline construction in W.Va.

In a landmark victory on June 21, the Virginia Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a stay for a permit the Mountain Valley Pipeline needs to build across West Virginia waterways.


Protect our communities. Stop the MVP Southgate fracked-gas pipeline

The developers behind the Mountain Valley Pipeline will host meetings on June 25-28 to get local feedback in some of the communities the 72-mile proposed MVP Southgate extension would traverse.


Court order suspends Mountain Valley Pipeline construction in W.Va.

RICHMOND, VA — Today, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a stay of a crucial permit that the fracked-gas Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) needs to build across waterways in West Virginia. Under section 404 of the Clean Water Act,


Rising resistance to pipelines

a tree sit on Peters Mountain

Resistance to the fracked-gas Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines is growing, crossing all sorts of divides. Government agencies and officials supporting the projects are on the wrong side of history.


History, health at stake in Buckingham County

The omissions and errors in the permitting process for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline regarding an African-American community in central Virginia amounts to racism. A state panel on environmental justice calls for a new process.


Corps of Engineers suspends part of permit for Mountain Valley Pipeline in W.Va.

CHARLESTON WV — The Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has indefinitely suspended portions of a permit required for construction of the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP). MVP’s own documents show that they can not complete crossings for the Gauley,


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