Volunteer Task Force

Energy Efficiency Task Force Volunteer Night

Thanks to a gaggle of eager volunteers, our Energy Savings Team is spreading the word about energy efficiency. Every other week this fall, folks from around the Boone, N.C., area gathered for the Energy Efficiency Task Force Volunteer Night to plan and implement creative ways to educate residents in Western North Carolina about decreasing energy waste and increasing the use of renewable resources.

Led by AV’s 2017-18 AmeriCorps Project Conserve service members, Katie Kienbaum and Rebecca Bauer, volunteers helped brainstorm ideas and phone bank with residents while building leadership skills around an important local issue.

Volunteer nights for 2017 wrapped up on Dec. 6, but will start back again on January 24. To get involved, visit appvoices.org/volunteer or email becca@appvoices.org


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