Letters to the Editor
Damascus is not the only town on the AT
Dear Editor,
I have very much enjoyed and learned from Appalachian Voices for a long time. I usually pickup issues at our local co-op, Tennessee’s only community-owned grocery store: Three Rivers Market in Knoxville, TN. Keep up the excellent work!
I wanted to point out an overstatement in the article “Trail Days in Damascus, Virginia.” While Damascus is entitled to many appreciative comments for its widely known and wonderful welcome to AT hikers, it is not the only town on the Trail. I don’t know exactly how many towns feature the AT right through the center of town, but Hot Springs, NC is also famous for the AT-emblazoned sidewalk going right through the center of the small town. In its case, the “main street” is called Bridge Street, because it and the AT cross the French Broad River near the hot springs. Some people also call the street the Appalachian Trail Highway. The Hot Springs Public Library has recently moved to the center of town, possibly making it the only public library directly on the AT.
All best wishes,
Theresa Pepin and Kenneth Pace
Knoxville, TN
Milk, Eggs and Serendipity
Dear Appalachian Voices,
While walking through my local grocery store, I picked up a copy of your Summer 2008 issue of Appalachian Voice, and since I am living in the area, I was very anxious to read your informative newspaper.
Every article was newsworthy and the entire paper so well prepared. However, imagine my surprise to find a note to the Editor from an old classmate of mine from Welch,WV — Nick Christodoulou of Nashville, TN.
I was especially interested in the Editor’s footnote concerning Nick’s extensive writings about his Appalachian childhood.
Thank you again for the newspaper,
Joyce Jennings Wright
Abingdon, VA
Price of Mountaintop Mining Is Too High
Dear Editor,
I am a student at Chattanooga State Technical Community College in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I am in an Appalachian History class, and am doing a discussion on “Mountain Top Mining.” I was not aware of this horrible practice until today. I think it is utterly deplorable what the coal companies are doing to our rich and beautiful mountains. I want you to know that I fully support your website’s stance. I wish I had known about this earlier. I am from the mountains of southeastern Tennessee and I don’t know what I would do if I went to my favorite mountain and it had been destroyed in the name of “progress.” The price is just too high for Appalachia to bear.
Thank You,
Christopher M. Nash
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