Waste Dumps
Letter to the Editor,
Time is running out to protect NC citizens from under regulated mega dumps being built in their back yards. “In the face of all out pressure from waste lobbyists, the North Carolina General Assembly listened instead to community activists & passed a one year moratorium on consideration of permit applications or issuance of new permits for municipal solid waste, construction & demolition, or industrial solid waste landfills. This moratorium which expires in less than two months on Aug 1, 2007 was passed with overwhelming bi-partisan support.
SB1492 is now under construction in the General Assembly. It must protect our air & water quality, environment, groundwater, quality of life, economic and public health interests. Poor counties, the corporate targets now, may sign on to take HUGE amounts of solid waste for funds needed for schools, Medicaid and their communities. Our counties could be next. Camden County may receive 10,000 tons of waste per day-ALL from out of state. Other counties under consideration are Hyde, Columbus, Scotland, Richmond, Person & Duplin. These counties may take the waste but ALL North Carolinians will be liable for any problems which may ensue if a bill protecting us is not in place.
Contact your representatives: Request that SB1492 includes:
Investing MORE in eliminating waste in NC, not just finding places to store it. Boone & Blowing Rock have passed Zero Waste referendums to cut down on their waste, as have many other towns & cities in our country. The state of NC must follow their example.
Protecting the health & safety of poor communities, who sign on to take waste dumps to earn money for their schools, Medicaid & communities.
Requiring the corporations, Waste Management, Waste Industries & Republic Industries,
those seeking to build & operate these dumps be of GOOD CHARACTER without a history of citations & violations.
Proving these corporations are financially solvent & will be responsible for spills, leaches & other problems caused by these dumps forever.
Protecting North Carolina’s natural resources & environment with no dumps located near public lands, wildlife refugees or any other sensitive environs.
Finding new ways to help poor counties support their schools, Medicaid & their communities…
We all must begin to cut down creating waste.
You say, these counties aren’t our problem…they are your neighbors, your constituents, your beaches & your wetlands. And creating waste is all of our problem…
Contact your local state representatives at this web site www.house.gov NOW!!
Call for strong regulation of solid waste companies putting North Carolina and any other states citizen’s health & safety ahead of $$$$!!
Sandy Adair
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