Letters from Readers

Dear Appalachian Voices,

I recently left the Appalachian region and felt the need to commend you all on your environmental endeavors that protect the vitality of the Appalachians. I am thoroughly impressed with your effort to take action opposing the “Clear Skies Initiative.” Appalachian Voices successfully rallied environmental enthusiasts in a jovial and fun manner. I participated in the letter writing campaign and was astounded at the enthusiasm as well as dedication put forth by staff, volunteers and supporters. This impressed me most of all because being involved in activism rarely leaves me or fellow advocates in a cheery or delightful mood. I wish Appalachian Voices all the best in your continual progressive push to celebrate and protect the Appalachian region. Continue your work with all the enthusiasm and dedication that impressed me!

Briana L. Egan,
Sugar Land, TX
Dear Appalachian Voice,

Get used to it people. The coal mines and the way they get the coal is here to stay. Money talks. You’re already too late to save the great mountains of W.V and Ky. Look at all the damage done as of this date. (22 April 05). West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee will be destroyed and no one will be able to do anything about it. So just get used to it. People want and need coal and if that means destroying those wonderful states it will be done (SAD!).
Another thing…. Your Governor and others in Government will not care and won’t do anything about it. It’s all about money. The people who will get rich most likely live a thousand miles away and are enjoying the good life. You poor people who are left in W.V. and Ky, Tenn will have to go and live in Iraq or Afghanistan just to be able to see some beautiful country. And as for me, I’m going to miss the great wooded mountains.

M. Watkins


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