Come Out and Fight for Clean Water

Attention Boonies! Come out this Monday night to support strong new regulations on coal tar based asphalt sealants, the source of the Hodges Creek fish kill last summer. The Boone Town Council will be having a public hearing on Monday, February 7th at 7:00pm at the Boone Town Council Chambers (next to the police station…

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Blowing Up Mountains for Coal- Costly and Unsustainable

NOTE: The following Letter to the Editor appeared in The Mountain Times in the November 4, 2010 issue. Dear Editor, A mountains of thanks to The Mountain Times for coverage of one of the most important issues affecting our Appalachian mountains—mountaintop removal coal mining—in your October 28 article about Trees on Fire. Mountaintop removal has…

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Coal Ash Pond Failure in Wimington NC

Right here in North Carolina a coal ash pond at Progress Energy’s Sutton Plant near Wilmington was breached on Monday. Monday’s heavy rains may have been a factor in the failure, but there is another wave of heavy rains coming to the region today and tomorrow that may cause even more problems. for more information…

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Operation Medicine Cabinet-Drug Take Back Day Oct. 2

Do you have outdated or unused prescription drugs, over the counter medications, syringes or other medical supplies? Come drop them off at the sponsored take-back centers in Ashe and Watauga Counties on three different days this October. Any prescription or over the counter drugs will be accepted, no questions asked. On Friday October 1 drugs…

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Join the Watauga River Cleanup Saturday Sept. 25

Come out and join us this Saturday (September 25) to help clean up the Watauga River. Starting at 9am groups will be picking up trash from the Watauga River from Foscoe all the way to the Guy Ford Road Bridge, covering a total of nearly 30 miles of stream. Because of extremely low water levels…

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Sustainability and Conscious Sound: Music on the Mountaintop

By Megan Naylor Moving into its third year, Music on the Mountaintop festival, an event that unites music and environmental consciousness, has swiftly evolved into one of the largest-scale music festivals ever to be held in Boone, N.C. The two-day event will take place August 27 to 28, and will feature headliners Sam Bush, Keller…

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Strong Support at Wind Stakeholders Meeting

Appalachian Voices recently partnered with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and Catawba College Center for the Environment to host a successful North Carolina Wind Energy Development Stakeholders meeting. Participants came to the meeting to address concerns about developing wind energy in North Carolina. They represented groups from a variety of interests, including, landowners, county…

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In Loving Memory: Sarah Percival

By Austin Hall When I first started as a volunteer at Appalachian Voices, I quickly learned that this was no ordinary organization. The members of the staff and the volunteers function as a family, working feverishly together to right some of the most egregious environmental wrongs in our country. It is this tight knit familial…

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