
WindLogics GIS Map Data

How to view the WindLogics GIS Map Data

The enclosed WindLogics map files are in ESRI ArcReader format. ArcReader is used to view "Portable Map Format" (PMF) documents similar to the way Adobe Acrobat reads "Portable Document Format" (PDF) files that you are probably familiar with. Like Acrobat Reader, ArcReader is free to download. ArcReader files can also be viewed and edited in the full version of ESRI's ArcGIS software.

Since maps contain far more information than typical documents, the PMF file format relies on a Data Directory to contain and organize the map information. The ".pmf" file by itself is unusable - you must have the corresponding data directory in order to view the map.

Installing ArcReader

The installer for the Microsoft Windows version of ArcReader has been included on this CD.

Install ArcReader for Windows from this CD

When prompted for installation type, select "Complete". This will install the full set of documentation and tutorials. It is strongly recomended that the documentation and tutorials are used to better understand the functionality of ArcReader.

ArcReader is also available for Linux and Sun Solaris from ESRI.


Viewing your WindLogics Maps

Once you have the ArcReader software installed, you can click the link(s) below to open the the pmf file(s).

BKA Group, LLC - West Virginia Coalfields Areas 1A & 1B
Published: August 24, 2006

GIS Data:

Annual Data - 80 m


NOTE ON THE WINDLOGICS WINDMAP COLOR SCHEME: WindLogics wind maps are colorized using a 180-color scale from dark purple representing low values, to bright pink representing high values. Since the range of the annual average is implicitly the range of the averaged data, the annual average maps make use of this entire color scheme. The monthly average maps use the absolute maximum and minimum for all twelve months as the extremes for the color scale. Each month has its own maximum and minimum which will exist somewhere in this absolute range for twelve months and is colored as such. This helps portray each month's data as part of a twelve-month range.

NOTE ON THE WINDLOGICS GIS DATA: Any wind speed, energy production, and capacity factor data included in the ArcGIS package are the result of WindLogics’ own analyses (using turbine data provided by the manufacturer), whereas the other overlays and information (transmission lines, landmarks, etc.) are provided as a convenience only, with no assurances given by WindLogics about the accuracy of such additional overlays.

The enclosed files have been verified to work using the following ArcReader build:

ArcReader 9.1 - Build 722 (version 9.1) - Windows Version


Help with your WindLogics Maps

Please read the ArcReader documentation and use the online Help feature (press the F1 key or go to the Help > About menu).

You can also view the "Using ArcReader Tutorial" document by clicking here. You will need to already have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.

Contact support@windlogics.com if you have problems.

More Information
For more information regarding WindLogics Inc. please contact our business consultants at: sales@windlogics.com

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