Submit Your Candidate for Board Nomination

Appalachian Voices is currently accepting recommendations of candidates to be considered for service on our Board of Directors. To serve on the Board, a potential candidate must be a current member of Appalachian Voices and willing to commit to a three-year term starting at the end of 2022. We are accepting recommendations until August 15, 2023.

Meet our current Board members

Appalachian Voices is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion both in our work and in our organizational structure. We seek to maintain a board of directors with a diversity of backgrounds, skills and personal connections to the Appalachian Region. Candidates for our board of directors should share and exhibit these principles.

We would appreciate your thoughts on individuals who might help us continue to build our effectiveness at advancing a healthy, just, clean energy future for our region. To suggest a potential candidate please fill out the form below with your recommendation's details.

Please scroll back to the top after finishing your submission!