Front Porch Blog
Updates from Appalachia

West Virginians speak out against proposal to log state parks
Guest blogger Chad Cordell of the Kanawha Forest Coalition provides an update on a West Virginia bill that would allow commercial logging of high-value trees in WV state parks, and shares some easy ways to contact decision-makers in support of our parks. #SOSParks
High winter energy bills got you down?
Thousands of families see their energy costs skyrocket in winter, leaving many struggling to pay their bills. Here’s a basic overview of electric bills and how energy use translates to the balance you see on your bill.
More to ‘pumped storage’ than meets the eye
A plan to use defunct coal mines in Southwest Virginia for a hydroelectric facility could be a great idea — provided it uses local workers and locally sited solar energy to run the operation.
Hold Duke Energy accountable for its illegal coal ash leaks
North Carolina environmental regulators have proposed an arrangement that requires Duke Energy to take some expedited clean-up steps at its Marshall, Allen and Cliffside coal ash ponds. But the proposal doesn’t go far enough. The N.C. DEQ needs to hear from you!
With your help, Virginia legislation can protect our water from pipelines
We’ve resisted the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines for more than three years. Now Virginia lawmakers need to hear our voices to ensure that legislation to better protect landowners and water resources from fracked-gas pipelines becomes law.