Front Porch Blog
Updates from Appalachia

Why do you care?
Whether you’re two days or 20 years deep in environmental or social justice organizing, we all ask ourselves the same question day in and day out: why do I care? Rhiannon Fionn, creator of Coal Ash Chronicles, brings the “Why I Care” video series to the social media scene in the spirit of story-sharing, collaboration, power building and advocacy. Watch a few videos and share your own story.
From Southwest Virginia, a path for less pollution
We won’t stop until we’ve won in Virginia
Environmental agency asleep at the switch?
In what seems to be the biggest incident of violating the Clean Water Act in history, Appalachian Voices has uncovered almost 28,000 violations at coal operations owned by Frasure Creek Mining in Kentucky. While shocking, the discovery is not surprising given the industry’s decades-long, callous disregard for health, safety, and environmental laws in Appalachia.
Two wrongs don’t make a right: mountaintop removal and stream protection
Two recent studies include more bad news regarding the impacts of mountaintop removal on streams throughout Central Appalachia. One indicates that work done to restore previously degraded streams is inadequate, while the other raises important questions about the feasibility of selenium pollution enforcement.