Warming ‘very likely’ due to man, report says

Top climate scientists: More than 90 percent certain humans are to blame PARIS – International scientists and officials hailed a report Friday saying that global warming is “very likely” caused by man, and that hotter temperatures and rises in sea level “would continue for centuries” no matter how much humans control their pollution. The head…

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FSC Certification and the Small Landowner

FSC-US recently took the opportunity to pose a number of questions to Mark Adams, the founder of the Cook County Sustainable Forestry Cooperative. The co-op is based in Hovland , MN with member properties being in close proximity to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. The co-op promotes sound, ecologically based forest management, local processing and…

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Faster climate change is putting the heat on Florida

[ Florida ] Pine trees, coral reefs, tourism and our drinking water supply are under the gun of climate change. The warming of the planet means Florida , with 1,200 miles of heavily populated and vulnerable coastline, is feeling real-time effects that are foreshadowing bigger consequences… While the long-range effects are likely to affect our…

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The Southern Forests Network Group Certification Program

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification is a voluntary, market-based system for achieving sustainability in the forest products industry. FSC certification is growing quickly- the acreage of FSC certified forests in the U.S. doubled from 2005 to 2006 to nearly 25 million acres. Yet FSC certification is inaccessible to most private landowners and small mills due…

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Audubon Covers Mountaintop Removal

The article includes several incredible photographs from Cameron Davidson: Photographer Cameron Davidson remembers Appalachia when it was right side up. “I’m used to the hills,” he says. “To me these absolutely flat, level areas are so strange. They’re almost otherworldly.” Check it out!

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Buried in Logan County, WV

Eight years after a federal judge prevented Arch Coal Inc., one of the biggest and most active players on the West Virginia coal mining scene, from obtaining a permit to mine 3,113 acres near Blair, WV in Logan County, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued the permit instead. Though slightly smaller in size at…

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Warm Winters Upset Rhythms of Maple Sugar

[Vermont] Warmer-than-usual winters are throwing things out of kilter, causing confusion among maple syrup producers, called sugar makers, and stoking fears for the survival of New England’s maple forests. While some farmers and other Vermonters suggest the recent warm years could be just a cyclical hiccup of nature or the result of El Niño, many…

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Eco-friendly timber makes more green

[Oregon] Owners of some timberlands surrounding the Portland area have done their best to go green… But until this year, most of those timber owners …lacked an outlet to consumers willing to spend more for wood harvested under strict environmental standards. The struggle to build a connection between supply and demand for environmental lumber is…

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