Harry Potter goes green

[ England ] The printing for the final Harry Potter book will not only be the biggest, but also the greenest. Nearly two-thirds of the 16,700 tons of paper will be approved by the Forest Stewardship Council. News notes are courtesy of Southern Forests Network News Notes www.southernsustainableforests.org

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Bank of America sets $20 billion green push

[New York] Taking what’s been called a leadership position among financial service firms in the corporate green movement, the Charlotte, N.C.-based financial giant set aside all but $2 billion of its commitment for lending, advice and market creation to help commercial clients finance the use and production of new products, services and technologies. The bank…

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Tiny Asian import wiping out trees

In one S.C. park, 2,068 dead redbays have been counted [ South Carolina ] A little-used but ecologically important tree is dying in droves along the Southeast coast because of an insect imported through the ports from Asia . The redbay, which typically serves as lush greenery in the 15-25 foot height range in coastal…

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Community-Based Restorative Forestry

A forum lead by Biological Woodsmen Jason Rutledge BOONE, NC – (March 2007) If you have questions about the woods on your property or if you want to know more about creating a sustainable income then mark you calendars. At 7PM on April 2nd the Heritage Council and Sustainable Development Program and Outreach of Appalachian…

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Warm Winters Upset Rhythms of Maple Sugar

[Vermont] Warmer-than-usual winters are throwing things out of kilter, causing confusion among maple syrup producers, called sugar makers, and stoking fears for the survival of New England’s maple forests. While some farmers and other Vermonters suggest the recent warm years could be just a cyclical hiccup of nature or the result of El Niño, many…

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Cat on a Collision Course

Though its numbers are growing, the Florida panther continues to lose habitat to development; will the nation’s most endangered cat run out of room to roam? [Florida] As it has so many times in the panther’s recent history, hope for a new life for the animals had collided with stark reality in Southwest Florida, where…

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Clear-cutting question really isn’t clear cut

[ North Carolina ] Part of the job of the Forest Service is to produce forest management plans for private land owners, and Tate and Gibson told me they would gladly come up with any kind of plan the land owner wanted. … but if you want to have your land assessed as forest you…

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