Focus Species Forestry

Featured in the Autumn 2006 issue of Northern Woodland, forester and Forest Guild member, Rob Bryan has authored and recently published a manual titled Focus Species Forestry – a Guide to Integrating Timber and Biodiversity Management in Maine. Written as a resource for landowners, foresters and loggers, Bryan spells out a step-by-step process for using…

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Presidential Candidates on Energy

As the 2008 elections heat up (for another 17 months!) I’d like to occasionally embed some relevant videos of speeches regarding energy and the environment. Three cheers for the first second “YouTube election!” Senator Obama (D) in Detroit on auto emissions:Senator Edwards (D) at a Biomass Conversion Center in Nevada, IA: Senator Clinton (D) on…

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Massey sued by Feds

Massey Energy used to be A.T. Massey Corporation, a subsidiary of multinational behemoth Flour Corporation. Massey subsidiary Martin County Coal Corporation was responsible for the worst-ever environmental disaster in the Southeast — the massive sludge spill in Kentucky in 2000 (see attached article). Coal companies have been dumping sludge and coal processing chemicals into Appalachian…

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VIDEO: Abe Mwaura, OVEC, and CRMW changed my life

On the day that the WV State Legislature passed resolution to study the affects of underground coal sludge injections, I was in Rawl, WV, a community who’s water and people were poisioned by coal sludge. Abe Mwaura, the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, and Coal River Mountain Watch brought me to this place and changed my…

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Rural Technology Initiative

The Rural Technology Initiative (RTI) website contains several tools to help landowners and managers achieve such tasks as building roads, placing culverts, and conducting forest inventories. News notes are courtesy of Southern Forests Network News Notes

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Democrats Pledge to Green the U.S. House of Representatives

[Washington, DC] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today said Democrats would start to operate the House buildings “in a carbon neutral manner” at the earliest possible date with a deadline of the end of this Congress in late 2008 or early 2009. The House will buy only furnishings that contain recycled products or wood certified as…

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KING COAL DEALT ANOTHER BLOW: California Municipalities Prohibited from Buying Filthy Power

The Los Angeles Times reported yesterday that the world’s sixth largest economy has taken another step toward reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by effectively prohibiting its municipalities from signing new contracts to purchase electricity from coal-fired power plants. While California has largely eliminated coal-fired power plants within its borders, it currently buys about twenty percent…

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A growing strength

Longleaf pines making comeback thanks to conservation program [ Georgia ] The process of clearing land for farming more than a century ago destroyed most of Georgia’s historic longleaf forests, which experts say once covered more than 65 million acres of the South. Today, farmers are helping restore this endangered ecosystem with federal funding from…

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