News Briefs

Twelve arrested in protest over Marsh Fork elementary school State police arrested 12 demonstrators at the West Virginia state capitol during a peaceful protest over conditions at Marsh Fork elementary school on March 16. Holding signs asking “What would Jesus do?” and “Build a New School,” demonstrators demanded that WV Gov. Joe Manchin build the…

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Uranium spill in Appalachia

A uranium spill in Erwin, TN could have been deadly, according to a Nuclear Regulatory Commission report released recently about a 2006 incident. According to the Knoxville Sentinel: “The spill last year involved about 35 liters of highly enriched uranium solution that leaked into a protected glovebox, then onto the floor in a facility where…

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Go Tell It on the Mountain

What Gibson has not gotten used to, however, is the view. The rolling, verdant countryside below Gibson’s home has been home to hundreds of isolated and close-knit Appalachian mining communities for generations. Much taller peaks that rose high above Gibson’s home and filled the surrounding scenery, however, once surrounded Kayford mountain. Pop The Top Since…

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Loving Mountains at Bonnaroo

The New York Times hailed last month’s Bonnaroo music festival as “more than just jam bands,” touting its major headliners, the Police and Tool. But here at App. Voices, we know that Bonnaroo was more than just a hippie jam-fest for another reason–Planetroo. We joined a multitude of non-profits and advocacy campaigns, all trying to…

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Across Appalachia

Wind Power Questions Still Remain Wind energy has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions and pollutants as it displaces other forms of electrical production, a National Academy of Sciences report said in May. But the report said there was practically no guidance or coordination of wind power policies on the federal, state or local levels.…

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Florida Jumpin’ Off the Coal Train

In a number of setbacks for the coal industry, the state of Florida has turned down 2 coal-fired power plants in the past month. Republican governor of Florida Charlie Crist has come out in support of these recent decisions, saying the future of coal as fuel for generating electricity in Florida is “not looking good.”…

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Riceville, NC – Now folks can leave their mark on the Pisgah National Forest without having to lace up their boots. A new online survey invites forest users to weigh in on a recent Forest Service proposal in the Shope Creek area of Riceville. Adjacent to the Asheville watershed and the Blue Ridge Parkway, Shope…

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New York Times reports on results of coal mining study

Science Panel Finds Fault With Estimates of Coal Supply By Matthew L. Wald WASHINGTON, June 20 — The United States may not have nearly as much coal as is popularly believed, and mining the remaining resources may be more dangerous for workers and the environment than current operations, the National Academy of Sciences said in…

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Jeff Goodell on NPR’s Fresh Air

Yesterday, Jeff Goodell was on NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross discussing his book, Big Coal. Jeff Goodell is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone and a frequent contributor to the New York Times Magazine. His analysis of the power and peril of the coal industry is some of the best out there (not to…

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If you love mountains, email your congressperson now!

We’re making progress toward stopping mountaintop removal coal mining, but we need to ensure that Congress does not pass a bad energy bill that would increase America’s consumption of dirty coal. And right now, Congress is doing just that as it considers several bills that would offer BILLIONS of dollars in tax breaks and subsidies…

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