Southeastern Convergence for Climate Action

Throughout the week of August 8-14, Rising Tide North America, in collaboration with Energy Justice Summer, Southern Energy Network, and the Nuclear Information Resource Service, will host a Southeast Convergence for Climate Action near Asheville, North Carolina. The Convergence for Climate Action will offer skill-based workshops, strategy sessions, and direct action aimed at building a…

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Dirty Work: Life and death in Appalachia’s coal country

Last month Reader’s Digest published “Dirty Work,” a follow-up on the dangers that still exist for West Virginia coal miners even after the deaths of twelve men in a mine explosion in Sago, West Virginia last year. The article exposes mountaintop removal as a cheap and easy way for the coal industry to access coal…

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Kayford Mountain Revisited

Looking out toward Kayford Mountain I was surrounded by beauty, green foliage thick with birds singing. Imagining this area before Mountaintop removal was nearly impossible with the hum of bulldozers and crashing of boulders tumbling into the valleys bellow. I open my eyes and continue to frown. You can’t look at the landscape of Kayford…

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Robert Kennedy to Shoot Documentary about MTR

Yesterday, Robert Kennedy, Jr. visited Charleston, West Virginia as he compiled footage for his documentary about mountaintop removal coal mining. The film will be based on his book, Crimes Against Nature, about the Bush Administration’s rollback of environmental protections over the last seven years. The main goal of Kennedy’s film however, is not to incriminate…

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Mountain Justice Summer Events This Weekend!

The MJS crew is headed to Kentucky for a weekend of music and mountains! It kicks off Friday night with two film showings at the Wiley’s Last Resort Campground ( Bob Gates’ 1977 strip mining classic “In Memory of the Land and People” and the Appalshop film “Dreadful Memories” about mountain singer Sarah Ogan Gunning,…

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Costs Surge for Building Power Plants

In the below article the New York times reports on the rising cost of power plant construction. According to the article, the cost of building both coal and nuclear power plants has increased drastically over the last two years. The author cites Duke Energy’s proposed Cliffside power plant as an example; apparently the target cost…

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Appalachian Voices Confirms Study Results and Then Some

In fact, projections based on the best available models and recent production trends indicate that an estimate of 26 billion tons of Appalachian reserves is quite optimistic. If reserve estimates in other areas are as overblown as those for the Appalachian Basin, the actual number of years of reserves based on current consumption would be…

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Kathy Mattea visits Kayford Mountain

If it hadn’t been for the swarm of video cameras and news station personel, you would not have known that there was a celebrity up on Kayford Mountain Tuesday afternoon. As country music star Kathy Mattea bounced up Kayford’s gravel road in a gold minivan, it was obvious that she wasn’t looking to stand out.…

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