Department of Energy Teams up with Disney-Pixar

This is interesting. The DOE is teaming up with one of this Summer’s biggest movie stars – Remi – the “rat” in Pixar’s 2007 summer release Ratatouille to promote the switch from incandescent to ENERGY STAR compact fluorescent lights. Get ’em while they’re young! View the charming ad here. Next I want to see Nemo…

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Presidential Candidates Coming Around on MTR

Barack Obama recently spoke on mountaintop removal during a speech in Lexington, Kentucky. He said the country also needs a forward-thinking energy policy, and he alluded to his disapproval of the coal mining process of mountaintop removal. “We’re tearing up the Appalachian Mountains because of our dependence on fossil fuels,” he said, sparking loud applause.…

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Two New Books Out on Mountaintop Removal

Two New Books on Mountaintop Removal Want to learn more about mountaintop removal? Check out these two new books: Now available: Moving Mountains by Penny Loeb. “Loeb compassionately chronicles 10 years of grassroots efforts by citizens of southern West Virginia to protect their homes from coalmining damage.”–Publishers Weekly In late 1994, wells in Pie, West…

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SC Forestry Commision: More wildfires than usual this month

SC Forestry Commission: More wildfires than usual this month COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) – August has been an unusually fiery month, according to experts at the South Carolina Forestry Commission. The state agency is charged with fighting wildfires throughout the state. Agency Fire Chief Paul Watts says wildfire behavior has been more aggressive in recent weeks,…

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Steady loss of hemlock trees could devestate ecosystem

Steady loss of hemlock trees could devastate ecosystem OTTO — Chelcy Ford looked up into the early afternoon sunshine and pointed to the naked, brown branches of the hemlock trees surrounding her. The bare-limbed evergreens are a familiar sight here in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, where nearly all of the hemlocks are dying after being…

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Larry Gibson featured on CNN’s Heroes

Larry Gibson, who has worked tirelessly to show the damage of Mountaintop Removal coal mining to the world was featured on CNN’s Heroes: Larry Gibson- Defending the Planet. The segment was aired on August 14, August 16 and August 19. Larry Gibson is an OVEC board member and Mountain Keeper who has tried to protect…

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New York Times Editorial: Ravaging Appalachia

Ravaging Appalachia Give the Bush administration credit for persistence. It just won’t let a bad idea die. On Friday, the Interior Department’s Office of Surface Mining proposed new regulations that it hopes will permanently legalize mountaintop mining — a cheap, ruthlessly efficient, environmentally destructive means of mining coal from the mountains of Appalachia. By our…

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Environmental Groups Respond to Bush’s New Rule to Ease Legal Limits on MTR

August 22, 2007 Contact: Cindy Rank, West Virginia Highlands Conservancy (304) 924-5802 Dianne Bady, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (740) 886-5796 Vernon Haltom, Coal River Mountain Watch (304) 854-2182 Jared Saylor, Earthjustice (202) 667-4500 Jim Hecker, Public Justice (202) 797-8600 Ed Hopkins, Sierra Club (202) 675-7908 Bush Administration Proposes Repeal of Stream Protection Rule to Ease…

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