The Market Speaks

…and big coal is out! So says this morning’s Lexington Herald-Leader: Kentucky’s history of unquestioning homage to the coal industry puts it at odds with marketplace trends. In recent weeks, we’ve read that proposals for at least 16 coal-fired power plants around the country have been scrapped. Please go check out the whole piece. It’s…

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Al Gore on Mountaintop Removal

[bumped, due to Mr. Gore’s strong showing in a recent New Hampshire primary poll – J-dub] Hear what one movie director, Vice-President, Senator, and Tennessean thinks about mountaintop removal: Congrats to our friends at SACE! Unofficial transcript: Hi Mr. President…uh…Mr. Gore rather My name is —–. Im a student at UNC and I work with…

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November 16-17 Day of Action Against Coal Finance

Join Rainforest Action Network, Coal River Mountain Watch, Appalachian Voices , Rising Tide, Mountain Justice Summer, SEAC and a cast of thousands as we mobilize to stop Bank of America and Citi’s investments climate change and the dirty coal industry! CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT WHAT YOU CAN DO!

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New York AG actions against coal power companies of limited value

Legal thrillers are fun to read, but real change is heavy lifting From the New York Times, the State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is pursuing actions against large power companies who do not disclose the financial risks of coal in an era when regulation of carbon emissions seems imminent. Check out the article at…

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Republicans for Environmental Protection endorses the Clean Water Protection Act (HR 2169)

Proving the across-the-board support for the Clean Water Protection Act (HR 2169), I just learned that Republicans for Environmental Protection (REP) has endorsed the Clean Water Protection Act! They also came out on our side against the Bush Administrations attempts to repeal the Stream Buffer Zone Rule. Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, liberals, moderates, independents…America agrees, mountaintop…

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Japanese Beetle may help fight Hemlock killing insects

Science Daily — The eastern hemlock, a tall, long-lived coniferous tree that shelters river and streamside ecosystems throughout the eastern United States and Canada, is in serious danger of extinction because a tiny, non-native insect is literally sucking the life out of it. Entomologists at Virginia Tech are now studying a beetle from Japan that…

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Is one-time ‘environmental fervor’ lost these days?

The Sumter National Forest Service is in a quandary. It’s in a battle to preserve the pristine waters of the Chattooga River above the Georgia and S.C. U.S. Highway 28 bridge with canoeing and kayaking organizations who want the entire river, not just the waters below the Highway 28 bridge. Capitulation through litigation is the…

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Selling timber is a tricky business

By Pam Cassady When landowners decide to sell timber from their land, they usually do it because they want to make money. However, if they aren’t well informed, they could end up not making as much as they could. “Landowners are losing lots of money,” said Bobby Warwick, a consulting forester based out of…

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Lessons to NOT learn from the Utah Mine Disaster

Lessons to NOT learn from the Utah Mine Disaster The National Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) is understaffed, the current administration has reduced the number of required inspections, and still the MSHA is falling behind in its scheduled inspections. This piece by Jeff Biggers, In Coal Blood, tells us that “the abuse of…

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