Front Porch Blog

App Voices’ staff Lenny Kohm and Cat McCue arrive at CarolinaFest, one of the day-long kickoff events at the DNC
Happy Labor Day!
Appalachian Voices is in Uptown Charlotte today joining thousands of others to experience the 2012 Democratic National Convention. And what a scene it is! Instead of avoiding the crowd this Labor Day, we’re part of it.
The convention festivities kicked off with CarolinaFest, a street party with food, fun and fanfare, featuring entertainers James Taylor, Janelle Monae, Jeff Bridges and others. There are health groups, education groups, faith groups, youth groups and more.
Starting the moment we arrived – decked out in “I Heart Mountains” buttons – we’ve spoken to folks from across the country, all here to participate in our democracy as the nation approaches a monumental election. Follow us on our AV at the DNC web page!
We ask a simple question: Do you love mountains? Invariably people stop, and whether they’re from Charlotte, California or anywhere in between, they say, “yes.” So now there are scores of festival-goers sporting “I Heart Mountains” buttons, brochures in hand, that will take our message home.
We’re proud to be here, growing the movement to end mountaintop removal coal mining and transition Appalachia to a cleaner energy future.

Bobbi and John of Charlotte sport iLoveMountains buttons
And it’s just beginning!
We’re looking forward to our reception this evening, “Bourbon, Bluegrass and a Better Future for Appalachia,” co-hosted with Greenpeace. The evening will feature numerous special guests including green-jobs guru Van Jones and Rep. John Yarmuth of Kentucky, a champion of the Clean Water Protection Act.
And tomorrow through Thursday we’ll be looking for every opportunity to talk with members of Congress, convention delegates and other leaders to convey our important message: end mountaintop removal now, defend the Clean Water Act, and protect Appalachia’s environment and communities.
Be sure to follow all the action at
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