Front Porch Blog
From the halls of Congress to small churches and community centers, Appalachian Voices has worked for years to make mountaintop removal an issue of national importance and awareness. Our members, volunteers and staff understand the importance of speaking truth to power with one strong collective voice. This is why next week we will travel to Charlotte, N.C., as all eyes turn to the Democratic National Convention.
During the convention, we’ll be tweeting, posting to Facebook and on our Front Porch Blog, sharing all of the important events happening in Charlotte and how they relate to our work to protect the communities of Central and Southern Appalachia. To make it easier for you to follow all the action, we’ve created a special page for all things DNC.
On September 3, Appalachian Voices and Greenpeace will host “Bourbon, Bluegrass and a Better Future for Appalachia,” where guests of honor Van Jones and Kentucky Rep. John Yarmuth will join us in spirited celebration of our work protecting one of America’s most culturally and environmentally diverse regions.
The DNC provides us with an opportunity to reach thousands of concerned citizens, elected leaders, influential members of the media, and all who appreciate Appalachia’s cultural, historical and ecological significance. This is a chance for us to share our vision for a healthy, sustainable future for the region we love.
We want to see mountaintop removal end, and we’ll continue make sure that message is heard loud and clear. Follow Appalachian Voices all week during the convention and help us share this historic moment in the fight to end mountaintop removal.
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