Front Porch Blog
This isn’t in our usual subject matter, but please bear with me, because its important.
As most everyone probably knows by now, a Congressional Republican from Florida – Mark Foley (FL-16) has resigned from the U.S. Congress after being busted for sexual advances on underage Congressional Pages in Washington. It’s turning out to be more than just a one-district story. The importance of the Foley story is that five-weeks before the 2006 mid-term elections, we are learning that the GOP leadership has known this about Foley’s sexual advances on minors for nearly a year. Beyond just hiding the story and blocking investigations – they let Foley remain head of the “Missing and Exploited Children’s Caucus.” It’s terrifying!
Dale Kildee, who sits on the House Page Board is F-U-R-I-O-U-S at GOP leaders’ attempts to block the bill.
In my 21 years as a Member of the House Page Board, every decision has been made on not just a bi-partisan basis but on a non-partisan basis, with our main concern always being the safety and wellbeing of the young teenagers who serve the U.S. House as pages.
I was outraged to learn that the House Republican leadership kept to itself the knowledge of Mr. Foley’s despicable behavior toward the House Pages.
I am now equally outraged to learn that Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert announced today that there will be changes in the policies of the House Page program. Once again, I was not informed of the meeting today, nor was I consulted in any way about any proposed changes.
Ed Wiley walked 455 miles for West Virginia children. I would expect that any member of congress be willing to do the same. I believe that the Democrats and majority of Republicans who want to see Mark Foley brought to justice will prevail. He will be investigated, and the children of this country will be protected from those who would harass and harm children (Foley) and those who would harbor people like him (Congressional Republican leadership.)
Update: Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV) is calling out Hastert and the GOP leadership on their blatant BS.
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