Front Porch Blog
Linkies for Thursday September 28th.
As always, news junkies MUST read OHVEC’s daily news links.
‘Is God Green?’ Bill Moyers PBS program examines the debate among Christians.
For more than a decade, the National Council of Churches and other middle-church groups have been singularly devoted to their calling of taking care of the earth.
Now, many of their conservative and evangelical sisters and brothers also concluding that saving the earth is a battle worth fighting, but they are being met head-on with opposition from some powerful pillars of the religious right.
Forests Worth Far More Alive Than Dead. OHVEC says that we need to know how much Appalachian Forests are worth NOW, before coal companies destroy them all. Northern Forests are worth $250 billion a year.
Forests in northern nations such as Russia and Canada are worth US$250 billion a year because of services they provide by purifying water or soaking up greenhouse gases, a researcher said on Tuesday.
The New York Times documents the amazing ascent of wind power. And its not just in the US. In fact, wind power is one more area of our economy where China and India seem to be getting ahead of us. Politicians in Washington better start giving us some action on mountaintop removal, wind power, and global warming. Bush’s plan is a joke.
Boone, NC mayor Loretta Clawson just signed theUS Mayor’s Climate Protection Act to help curb global warming. Has your mayor signed on? Find out here.
I Speak for the Freeze: In a “major policy adress” Al Gore calls for a freeze on carbon emissions.
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