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Front Porch Blog

Change on the horizon: Securing progress during the Biden administration

Photo by Jimmy Davidson

Photo by Jimmy Davidson

This was an election for the history books. We feel immense gratitude to everyone whose deep commitment to democracy helped to ensure that voters were able to participate in a safe and fair election. And the voters have spoken.

As the president and vice-president elect prepare to take the reins, we are incredibly energized to advocate for Appalachia. Together, as we enter this new chapter in our national politics, we will hold the Biden-Harris administration accountable to helping our communities flourish, especially those on the front lines of pollution and our nation’s energy transition, to enacting sound policies that tackle climate change and foster resilient, robust local economies, and to protecting our cherished mountains, water and air.

We know the road ahead will not be easy, but even during these difficult years, our work together has demonstrated that when people join together in common cause alongside neighbors, friends, and allies who don’t agree about everything, we can achieve extraordinary results. This is how we defeated the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, it’s how we are building new economic opportunities, like solar energy, in Southwest Virginia, and it’s how we’re standing up for the people and places of Appalachia every day. And we believe that working in common cause remains essential to the crucially important work before us now.

Transformational change is needed, but we know it doesn’t happen without sustained engagement and organizing. Change is rooted in the advocacy that happens year-round, beyond the election cycle.

To achieve change, we must continue to stand together, organized and advocating for the common values we share. We must heal the deep injustices, including racism, that have long plagued our communities and our nation.

Securing progress for our region depends on our ability to remain committed to our shared values and to stand united as we advocate for a healthier, stronger, and more just future for Appalachia. Thank you for continuing to stand alongside us.





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